How brands can win on Facebook; Unpacking Edgerank 2019

Facebook is still at its peak among many digital marketing platforms. It is currently at the top of the list with the most active daily users compared to other social networks. Recent statistics (September 2019) reflect that Facebook has over 2.41 billion monthly active users, and out of that amount 1.59 billion people on average log onto the platform daily. As a result, marketers and digital practitioners are making a big win online through Facebook. With their sales numbers increasing rapidly or their brand becoming the talk of the town. Nonetheless, some of them are still shooting in wind, having their marketing efforts ineffective on the platform or doomed to none judging from the poor posts engagement they receive. It’s always a bit tricky, and in fact more ironic to obtain fewer eyeballs on your content while employing a user dominated platform such as Facebook. But why is that? Why do some people win on Facebook while others lose? Well, the answer lies in ...